Invitation to the General Meeting 2018

Date of the meeting : 14.09.2018

Venue                        : Board restaurant Hermes II, 13Bis Quai Rambaud, 69002 Lyon, Frankreich

Beginning of the event : Meeting point on the ship 10:00 am

Language of the event : English, (Interim questions can also be provided in German, French and Italian)

Beginning of the meeting 10:30 am


1) Opening and welcome

2) Confirmation of quorum and number of present members

3) Approval of the agenda and/or agenda items modified

4) Election of the Voting Committee

5) Approval of the minutes of last meeting in Luxemburg, 15. September 2017 ( published in the ESU Magazine, edition December 2017 and ESU Website)

6) Executive Committee progress report

7) Regional reports

  • Germany

  • France

  • Italy

  • Swiss

8) Financial report 2017 and budget plan 2018/2019

9) Cash audit report

10.1) Discussion and approval of the reports

10.2) Discharge of the Management Board

11) Election

  • 3.Chairman

  • Treasurer

  • Secretary

12) Amount of membership fees 2019

13) Approval of date and place for next General Meeting 2019

14) Miscellaneous

Remark: Petitions on the general annual meeting and proposals for further agenda items shall be submitted to the Executive board in writing and well-founded at least 15 (in words: fifteen) days before the date of the general annual meeting (acc. to article § 9.4)

Meerbusch, 15.06.2018

Patrick Gil, 1.Chairman          Marcel Tigchelaar, Treasurer          Harald Stangenberg, Secretary